
Rebirth is a concept in the classical Indian and Jain traditions, which states that we go through various incarnations in our spiritual development on our way to eternal knowledge. We either enjoy or suffer the consequences of our actions and intentions by the law of karma in a series of rebirths and suffering called samsara.

From our perspective, karma is not a law of retribution but a law of consequences which means that whatever isn’t round needs to be made whole through learning. Whatever isn’t whole is incomplete and whatever is incomplete needs to be finished. Until the transcential state of oneness is experienced, energy, information, and learning issues continue to circulate among us. According to our theory of transverse consciousness, mal intentions and hurtful actions create perpendicular or transverse waves of consequence. When stubbornness about a particular lesson is present, we refer to this as a karma knot.

We become aware of these consequences as life messages through signals of well-being and happiness on the “positive” side or physical symptoms, relationship difficulties, or accidents on the “negative”. “Negative” actions create unfinished circuits that need to be completed in present or future lifetimes. (see resonant synvolution for a still deeper understanding.)

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