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Why You, Why Now
Discovering Your Spiritual Meaning
Along with the fundamental query: Who Am I?, perhaps the most important research within the larger sphere of our spiritual path concerns the essential quest for the meaning of our lives. Why you, Why now takes you through a series of discussion inquiries into the importance of meaning as you evolve along your path – all with the imperative of discerning the real reason you’re on the planet.
In this context, you’ll find out that meaning is not simply a purpose you strive to fulfill but the distinct art of discovering your spiritual calling. In Why you, Why now, Stephano also describes the various pathways to meaning and follows with a practical examination of how you can find your true mission through a series of poignant, self-directed questions and subsequent reflections on the answers your „inner teacher“ provides, spiritual meaning reveals itself like a spontaneous awakening.
ISBN 978-0-937725-76-4
Heart of Freedom
The goal of most Eastern religions is to help seekers achieve some degree of spiritual liberation known as nirvana, satori or moksha. Despite this laudable aspiration, many of these paths provide a program – replete with rules, rituals and practices – all designed to achieve a predictable end. Given the nature of followership, Stèphano poses a fundamental query: is there freedom in conformity?
Heart of Freedom explains what spiritual liberation truly is and describes what Stèphano says are skillstates necessary to experience and maintain what he calls emanant freedom. He suggests that all-encompassing love is the foundation of transpersonal emancipation that frees us from the shackles of ego limits and constraints. In this field of openness and generosity, our spirit soars as an expression of unlimited potential and deeply felt heartfulness.
ISBN 978-0-937725-75-5
Die Freiheit bist du
Spirituelles Ende psychologischer Leiden
Spirituelle Befreiung, so Stèphano, ist nicht die Freiheit von etwas, sondern das vollständige Annehmen unseres essentiellen Wesens, die Bereitschaft, aus den täglichen Herausforderungen zu lernen und Großzügigkeit zu zeigen. Doch Befreiung ist keine Entscheidung. Sie ist vielmehr eine gefühlte Erfahrung virtuellen Bewusstseins, laut Stèphano die choiceless freedom. Seine direkte und klare Botschaft ist: Du bist bereits frei. Lebe diese Freiheit – jetzt.
ISBN 978-0-937725-02-3
Dimensions of Spirit
Talks on conscious living
Dr. Sabetti provides a comprehensive, yet succinct overview of an awakened spiritual life. He examines the nature of spirituality and asks us to discover our unique way of being conscious. Stèphano explains that resonances are the key to living simply and with awareness. He further shows us what it means to live in the moment with unattached passion.
Next, he describes the spiritual arts and the secrets of joy that make living more meaningful. Finally, you’ll learn how to enjoy peace in your lifetime, live directly from the heart and have the courage to be who you are essentially.
ISBN 978-0-937725-03-0
Confluence of Spirit
Personal Illusions, Transpersonal Reality
Living in an increasingly globalized world of accelerated change, isolation and alienation, we are constantly in search of answers to spiritual questions. In Confluence of Spirit, Dr. Sabetti offers a fresh approach to daily spirituality.
According to Stèphano, the art of spirituality is to see the unity in diversity – how everything is part of the ONE. Confluence of Spirit will open your horizons to this Oneness by showing that when life is an integration of its many facets, a rich and unified consciousness unveils itself.
ISBN 978-0-937725-04-7
Reflektionen Essentieller Spiritualität
Das Eine beschreibt die einfache und doch tiefe essentielle Spiritualität jenseits von religiösen Dogmen und Traditionen. Stèphano erklärt, dass alles aus der Einheit hervorgeht und dahin zurückkehren muss, damit das Leiden ein Ende hat und Frieden gelebt wird. Einheit ist für ihn ein Seinszustand, in dem das Ego nicht abgespalten ist und somit auch keine Probleme erzeugt werden. Das Eine bietet Anregungen, die uns helfen, im Alltag diese Wahrheiten zu erforschen und sich ihrer bewusst zu bleiben.
ISBN 978-0-937725-00-9
Im Fluss des Seins
Spirituelle Inspirationen für das Jahr
Im Fluss des Seins ist eine Herausforderung an dich, dein selbst-zufriedenes Alltagsleben mit seinen Illusionen hinter dir zu lassen und stattdessen deine fundamentale spirituelle Natur zu erforschen. Es ist wie ein Kalender aufgebaut, mit einem Thema pro Seite für jeweils zwei Tage, so dass du bei der Betrachtung dieser Themen dein Leben anschauen, erforschen und persönliche Einsichten gewinnen kannst. Du erkennst dabei, dass alles in deinem Alltag dir als Lehrer auf deinem ganz persönlichen spirituellen Weg dienen kann.
ISBN: 978-0937725-01-6
The Freedom You Are
Spiritual end to psychological suffering
Despite increases in worldwide standards of living, suffering remains one of the most widespread afflictions of humankind. In this pioneering work, Stèphano Sabetti suggests that although pain and loss are inevitable, psychological suffering is a choice. Most of our misery is self-created by a selfish attitude and a fixed idea of who we think we are. According to Sabetti, we hold on to suffering to avoid the experience and consequences of freedom. We seek to be free, yet separate ourselves from spiritual Oneness – the basis of that freedom.
ISBN 13: 978-0-937725-18-4
Path of No Way
Nature and Dynamics of Essential Spirituality
In our turbulent times, questions about the nature of spirituality are more relevant than ever. However, Dr. Sabetti challenges us to examine our traditional views of religion by suggesting that essential spirituality has no forms, rituals, or beliefs. This radical view proposes that the key to trans-cendental experience is evolutionary resonances, which can be felt in the body and seen in daily life messages. The way towards peace, he proposes, lies not in the defense of religious differences but in the support of spiritual commonality and a universal message.
ISBN 13: 978-0-937-72513-9
Ki to Psychology
A Psychology and Energy Primer
With refreshing clarity and insight, Dr. Sabetti is able to simplify and concretize a holistic assessment of the key behavioral issues we face. For over 100 common themes, he provides the root origin of the terms and a general history of understanding from a psychological perspective. He then translates them into a simple, easy to understand language of energy and movement, providing a provocative middle course of confluence between two seemingly disparate explanations of the human condition. Dr. Sabetti finishes each theme by offering specific tips for their effective resolution.
ISBN 13: 978-0-937-72512-2